Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010

Purity control cassette II

These days are cold and snowy. it s beautiful and in the same way boring to be in the periphery. in the city the snow only sucks. the time runs faster and the snow seems to interfere. i can't relax. even when i can relax in the snowy periphery, after some days i miss the urban thing.
that blog is mostly an personal outlet for my uncomfortable times, sometimes in a mental way , sometimes in a physical way.
you can pick out what you want. all depends on each other. on some days you can handle things otherwhile not. sometimes i am bored of all the punk and hc thing and capture myself listening to the new arcade fire album. just few minutes later there comes a band like Purity control, appearing so simple, but at the end there is a big fuck u for everything. it works. some minutes, some hours or months are saved.
if u see anywhere this second demotape, buy it. call that stuff powerviolence or rough hardcore. who cares.

1. Taking control
2. Flesh revelation
3. Writer's block
4. Bite marks
5. Swallowing//Losing control
6. Orgone

get it

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