Back in the middle east. Got a great Hummusavocadopepsibreakfast. Living for last 4 days in a venue in the middle of a street market, somewhere in Tel Aviv. the noize starts every morning at 5am. Normally we are not going to bed before 4am. I am wondering that i can even sleep until 12am. I love to go on the balcony and watch the people bying stuff or yelling on each other, while the cars complete the chaos with their horns. I never heared so many horns. Its like a big concert.
I will move to Haifa together with Dave aka Siegfried-Roid rage and Nadav .
The rest of our travel group did it in the morning(i stayed lazy in bed) cause we are playing there tomorrow.
Sometimes travelling in big groups( we are two bands) gets on the nerves at all. Especially when everybody tries to do all shit all time together.
But in the end everybody enjoys the time here, that predominates of course.
We escaped the cold, spending now much time as we can on the streets. Meeting people, hanging out on the beach, talking shit and seeing shows.....
I think Caravels are a great soundtrack for that.
They have two demos you can download for free at there myshit page. here is their first one called Earthlings session.
1.Dark obsession
2.Snake plissken
3.Flawless victory
get it.